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University Introduction

Founding Philosophy

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Founding Philosophy


한서대학교는 창의/신념/공헌을 건학이념으로 하여,
정보화 시대와 세계화 시대를 선도할 우수한 인재를 양성하기 위하여 설립되었다.


Creativity refers to the creative ability to create new things based on existing knowledge and technology, belief refers to a firm determination to overcome a rapidly changing environment through constant self-development and effort, and contribution refers to the knowledge learned at university. It refers to the attitude of using technology and technology to serve for the prosperity of the nation and human society.

01. 창의(創意)

01. Creativity

The history of human intelligence tells us that the development of science and art has not only been made cumulatively, but has been achieved through a paradigm shift that transcends conventions. As an academic hall, Hanseo University has the primary purpose of creatively inheriting the cultural heritage of mankind. This is why our university uses creativity as its founding philosophy.

02. 신념(信念)

02. Belief

Education is an activity that promotes the overall improvement of humanity. The university is an academic community, but as a human community for the purpose of education, it is also a training ground where one must cultivate a strong mind that does not yield to trials and challenges. As the center of education, Hanseo University places high value on nurturing whole people with strong will with intelligence. This is the reason for making belief as another founding philosophy.

02. 신념(信念)

03. Contribution

Colleges cannot work in a social vacuum. Therefore, universities should make it their mission to contribute to society through the practice of research and education, beyond receiving support from society. As a central university in the West Coast era, Hanseo University is constantly renewing its determination to become a driving force for regional development, a driving force for national development, and a partner for humanity's co-prosperity. This is why we make contribution as our founding philosophy. We, Hanseo University, will keep the essence of the university and open the future of the nation and nation, with this creativity, belief, and contribution as the ideology.