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School of Design Enter-Media


문화예술품의 보존·관리 인재양성

한 나라, 한 민족의 문화는 바로 그 나라와 민족의 잠재가치를 의미하며 민족의 자존과 미래를 향한 도약의 원동력이다. 우리가 오랜 문화유산을 보존하고 선조의 정신을 계승하고자 하는 이유도 바로 여기에 있다. 이러한 우리 문화유산의 당면 과제의 해결은 전통문화의 맥을 잇고, 민족문화의 정체성을 유지하는데 중요한 것이다. 문화재보존학과는 이런 문제의식에서 문화유산의 조사연구와 보존·관리 및 전시기획을 보다 합리적이고 과학적으로 수행할 수 있는 인재양성을 교육목적으로 한다.

Department Introduction

  • Cultural assets are precious treasures that contain the foresight and breath of our people's lives and are assets of human culture. Both tangible cultural assets and intangible cultural assets are the essence and foundation of national culture.
    Preservation of cultural properties is the study of knowing, finding, and caring for cultural properties that have endured many disasters in the long history, and is the study of finding a variety of methodologies to fully pass on to our descendants just as our ancestors handed down to us.
    In other words, it is a study that allows cultural assets to be preserved in their original form by learning archaeological excavations, scientific preservation, and art history research.
    Through this, we aim to cultivate professional talents who will inherit and develop a brilliant national culture by preserving cultural assets well in their original form and awakening their importance widely.

Educational Goals

  • Field-oriented education that combines theory and practice
  • Cultivation of scientific and creative conservation science and technology that inherits the spirit of traditional culture
  • Fostering curators of exhibition planning and preservation management of museums and art galleries

Related qualifications

  • Korean History Proficiency Test
  • Cultural Property Repair Technician
  • Cultural Property Repair Technician
  • Associate degree in museums and art galleries

Career information after graduation

  • The Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation is diversifying the career paths of graduates through archaeological excavation in all areas of tangible and intangible cultural properties, analysis of art historical styles, theoretical approaches to the field of conservation science, and field work skills.
  • Oral health field: dental office at public health center, oral health office at public health center, oral health office at elementary school, oral health department of government and local governments, military medical personnel (legislative officer), army sergeant.
  • Educational Research Field: Professor/ Oral Health Teacher/ Graduate School Advancement and Study Abroad, After completing the graduate course, I work as a faculty member, Oral Health Human Resources Training Institute, Private Health Institute Researcher (Dental Life Products Research Institute), Dental Promotional Materials Development Research Institute, Oral Laboratory Professional Researcher.In addition, in recent years, with the support of the Ministry of Education, we are trying to expand the scope of social advancement by providing students with opportunities for various cutting-edge digital education in the cultural property industry by providing specialized education for fostering digital talents in the cultural industry prosperity.
  • Through such high-quality education, students can get a job at national and private museums as cultural property experts after graduation, at the Cultural Heritage Administration, the Cultural Heritage Division of local governments, and research institutes of excavation organizations and cultural properties research centers around the country. As a cultural property repair technician, exhibition planner, curator, etc., you can find employment in your major and related industries.