배움즐거운 대학교
함께 가꾸는 한서교육




Institute for Processing and Application of Inorganic Materials

무기재료공정 및 응용연구소(PAIM)는

우리 대학교 공학부 또는 재료분야 관련학과와 연계하여 고도의 전문화된 교육과 특화된 교육환경을 조성하여 현장학습 및 산·학·연 연계학습을 실시하며, 무기재료 분야의 학술연구를 통하여 관련분야에 기여함을 목적으로 설립되었다.


  • 1. 2008년 5월 설립
  • 2. 2008-2010 초대 연구소장: 김익진
  • 3. 2011-2013 2대 연구소장 : 김익진
  • 4. 2014-2015 3대 연구소장 : 김익진


  • 1. Colloidal chemistry, microporous ceramics by direct forming
  • 2. Synthesis of Zeolites and Related Inorganic Materials
  • 3. Carbon nanotubes formation and growth using templates for nano-filters
  • 4. Structural Ceramics for High temperature and Thermal Shock Resistance
  • 5. Ultra Low and Negative Thermal Expansion Materials based on Al2TiO5,Cordieritie,andZeoliteetc.


  • Member, Korean Ceramic Society
  • International Scientific Member, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, Freiberg University.
  • International Scientific Committee, The International conference on High-Performance ceramics (CICC)
  • Co-chairman, The International conference on High-Performance ceramics (CICC-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 협정)
  • Coordinator, ECerS Berlin
  • International Scientific Committee, International Japan-Korea Conference on Ceramics
  • Member, Korean Engineering Ceramic Society
  • Member of Refractory Experts (MORE) of Freiberg University
  • Carbon nanotubes filters grown on metal nanoparticles supported zeolite-porous ceramics, CICC-9, High-Performance Ceramics, Guilin, China, November
  • 4-7, 2015
  • Microporous ceramics from particle-stabilized wet foams, 2013. Nov. 29. 2ndInternational workshop on Nano and Microstructure Design, Yeungnam University
  • Surface energy and Laplace pressure for wet foam stability in porous ceramics, The Korean Ceramic Society, Chung Won Convention center, 2013 Spring meeting, April 19
  • Vertically aligned Carbon Nanotubes from metal nanoparticles, the 29 international Korea-Japan Ceramic conference, Daegu Exco, 2012. 11. 23
  • Functional Porous Ceramics by direct forming, Freiberg University, Collaborative Research Center 920 of the German Scientific Association, May 29. 2012
  • Carbon nanotubes and its Applications, Grosses Ostaasiatisches DAAD-Alumnitreffen zur Gruendung Ueberregionaler Fachnetzwerke, 23.-25. March 2012 in Seoul,
  • Vice President of Regional Innovation Center(RIC) in Chungnam Province
  • Selected Scientist by Marquis Who,s Who in Science and Engineering, 2005 – 2007
  • General affairs Director-Ceramic Society
  • Excutive committee of Chosun
  • International editor : Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Journal of European Ceramics Society, Nanosclae etc.

조직 및 구성



1. 특허

  • 1. “A Ceramic Body for Liquid Crystal Drop for TFT LCD”, 2006, 10-0764435
  • 2. “A Process for Synthesis of TMA-A Zeolite Nano Crystals by Hydrothermal Reaction”, 2-2005-025735-0
  • 3. “A Zirconia Toughened Alumina Ceramics Body for Optical Lens”, 2005, 10-0710587
  • 4. “A Ceramic Body for Liquid Lens” 2005
  • 5. “A Coating and Crystal Growing of NaX Zeolite on Porous Ceramic Paper”, 2005
  • 6. “A Method for Producing Aluminum Titanate-Zirconium Titanate Ceramics with Low Expansion Behavior”, 10-2002-28072, 0486121
  • 7. “A process for Manufacturing NaX Zeolite by Continuous Crystallization Method”, 4-2002-018928-3, 0483181
  • 8. “LC-Nozzle for Assembly of LCD” October. 2006.
  • 9. Synthesis of TMA-A zeolite nanocrystals by hydrothermal method, 2006-0069940

2. 논문: (최근 3년)


  • 1.8.W.Zhao,X.Zhou,I.JinKim,S.Kim,“Self-Assembled Co3O4HexagonalPlatesbySolventEngineeringandTheirDramaticallyEnhancedElectrochemicalPerformance”, Journal of Nanoscale, 9, (2017) 940-946
  • 2. Naboneeta Sarkar,Bijay Basnet, Juung Gyu, Park, Sangram Mazumder, In Sub Han, and Ik Jin Kim,“Al2TiO5-ZrSiO4porousceramicsfromparticlestabilizedwetfoambydirectfoaming”,Journalof Advanced Ceramics(2017) accepted
  • 3. Woo Young Jang, Bijay Basnet, Jung Gyu Park,In Sub Han, Hyung Mi Leeand Ik Jin Kim, “SiC Porous Ceramics from Particle Stabilized Suspension”, accepted,Journal of Australin Ceramic Society(2017),
  • 4. Jung Gyu Park, Se Youg Kim, Young Hoon Seong, In Sub Han, and Ik Jin Kim, “Carbon nanotube grown on zeolite coated biomorphic carbon template by CCVD method”, accepted Journal of Ceramic Processing and Research, (2017)
  • 5. Bijay Basnet, Woo Young Jang, Jung Gyu Park,In Sub Han, Hyung Mi Lim, and Ik Jin Kim, “Rheological and colloidal properties of SiC suspension to Porous Ceramics by direct foaming”, accepted to Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan (2017)
  • 6. Jung Gyu Park, Seo Youg Kim, Wei Zhao, Suck Young Kim, and Ik Jin Kim, “Novel processing of growing carbon nano-filter on zeolite coated biomorphic materials by CCVD method”, will be submittedto Journal of Nanomaterials (2017)
  • 7.Bijay Basnet, Woo Young Jang, Jung Gyu Park,In Sub Han, Hyung Mi Lim, and Ik Jin Kim, “ Highly SiC porous ceramics form partially hydropobized colloidal suspension”, submitted to Ceramic International (2017)
  • 8.Woo Young Jang, Jung Gyu Park, Dong Nam Seo, Suck Min Lee, Hyung Tae Kim, and Ik Jin Kim,“Tailoring microstructure of Al2O3-SiO2porousceramicsthroughstarchconsolidationbydirectfoaming”,submittedtoJournal Ceramic Research and Processing,(2017)
  • 9. Wei Zhao, Jiarui Huang, Ik Jin Kim, and Sukyoung Kim, “In-situ Intergration of 1D BiVO4/2Dg-C3N4 Heterostructure for Efficient Hydrogen Generation by Z-Scheme Water Splitting”, submitted to Carbon, (2016)

  • (2016)
  • 1. Subhasree Bhaskar1,JungGyuPark,Mi Jai Lee, Tae Young Lim, In Sub Han, and Ik Jin Kim“ZrO2-TiO2porousceramicsfromparticlestabilizedwetfoambycolloidalprocessing",Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, (2016) 124[1], 106-110
  • 2. Sangram Mazumder, Naboneeta Sarkar, Jung Gyu Park, In Sub Han, and Ik Jin Kim1*, “Carbon nanotubes-porous ceramic composite by in situ CCVD growth of CNTs, Materials Chemical Physics, 171 (2016), 247-251
  • 3. Naboneeta Sarkar,Kee Sung Lee, Jung Gyu Park, Sangram Mazumder, In Sub Han, and Ik Jin Kim,“MechanicalandthermalpropertiesofhighlyporousAl2TiO5-mulliteceramics”,Ceramic International, 42 (2016), 3548-3555
  • 4.Subhasree Bhaskar1 ,ByunghoKang, JungGyuPark, TaeYoungLim and IkJinKim, “ZrTiO4Porousceramicsfromparticlestabilizedwetfoambydirectfoaming”,Journal of Korean Physical Society, Vol. 68. No. 1, (2016), 77-82
  • 5. Sangram Mazumder1,Naboneeta Sarkar, Jung Gyu Park1,In Sub Han,and Ik Jin Kim, Carbonnanotubes–porous ceramic composite by in situ CCVD growth of CNTs, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 171, (2016), 247-251
  • 6.Subhasree Bhaskar1,JungGyuPark,Kee Sung Lee, Suk Young Kim, and Ik Jin Kim, “Thermal and Mechanical behavior of ZrTiO4- TiO2Porous ceramics by direct foaming”, Ceramics International 42 (2016)14395-14402
  • 7. Woo Young Jang, Dong Nam Seo, Jung Gyu Park,Hyung Tae Kim, Sung Min Lee, Suk Young Kim, and Ik Jin Kim, “Highly Closed-Open Porous Ceramics with Micro-Beads by Direct Foaming”, Journal of Korean Ceramic Society Vo. 53, No.6 (2016), 604-609
  • 8.Sangram Mazumder1,Jung Gyu Park, Naboneeta Sarkar, Kee Sung Lee,and Ik Jin Kim, “Mechanical properties of in-situ growth carbon nanotubes reinforced porous ceramics by direct foaming” Journal of ceramics research and processing, Vol 17, No. 12, (2016), 1274-1278

초청강연(최근 3년간)

  • Assembled Monolayer of Silicalite-1 supported Iron oxide Nanoparticles for Carbon Nanotube Growth by catalytic CVD, 2010 Fall meeting, The Korean Ceramic Society, JeJu Convention center
  • Advanced Host-Guest Materials based on Zeolites for Semiconductor Nano-Cluster, Feb. 18, 2008, Ioannina University, Greece
  • Negative Thermal Expansion Behavior of Advanced Materials for High Temperature Applications" Indo-Japan Workshop on Microstructure Performance of High Temperature Composites, January 15-17, 2008
  • Advanced Engineering Ceramics for Semiconductor Technology, Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM), February 20-23. 2007, New Delhi, India
  • Advanced Engineering Ceramics for Semiconductor Technology, Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM), ECERS, June 17-21. 2007, Berlin, Germany
  • Orientation-Controlled Monolayer Assembly of Zeolite Nano Crystals on Ceramics, November 2006, Seokang University, Seoul, Korea
  • Well Oriented Zeolite Host-Guest Materials by Self-Assembly Monolayers (SAMs), Korean Ceramic Society, October 19-20. 2006
  • Microstructural Evolution of the Al2O3-ZrO2 (Y₂O₃) Composites and its Correlation with Toughness, IUMRS-ICA-2006, Sept. 10-14, 2006, Hotel Shilla, JeJu
  • Advanced Ceramic Materials for Capillary Tool, Amkor Semiconductor Ltd. Co, September 07. 2006
  • Ultra-Fine Pitch Capillary Tool for Gold Wire Bonding, Samsung Electronics Ltd. Co., May 02. 2006
  • Advanced Engineering Ceramics for Semiconductor Technology, Amkor Semiconductor Ltd. Co. June 02. 2006
  • Advanced Engineering Ceramics for Semiconductor Technology, Second Symposium of The Korean Engineering Ceramic Society, June 15. 2006
  • "Advanced Engineering Ceramics for Semiconductor Package Technology”, CICC-4, October 24-25. 2005
  • “Crack Healing, Reopening and Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Al₂TiO5₅ Ceramics at High Temperature, CICC-4, October 24-25. 2005
  • Large Crystal Growing of NaX Zeolite by Continuous Crystallization Method”, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, July 19. 2004



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