배움즐거운 대학교
함께 가꾸는 한서교육


Education Centers

Air Traffic Control Education Center

Air Traffic Control Education Center

Radar Control Simulator

  • ATC Simulator
  • ATC Classroom
  • Radar Control Simulator
  • Control Tower


Air Traffic Control Center is a part of Hanseo University, which is authorized for Airman (Air Traffic Controller Course) Specialized Training Organization by O ce of Civil Aviation in Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation A airs on Aug 1 2003, in order to contribute to aviation safety and civil aviation development through education programs that meet the requirements of not only domestic standard but also training standard, training instructions, details and procedures related to international standard in ICAO Annex


Educate the basic theory on the base of closely connected with Air Transportation & Administration

Degree License & Practice Hours

  • Degree ATC Training Center's students (Air transportation and Logistics' students) will receive an Air Transportation Degree.
  • License after completing the whole courses of study, students can obtain an Air Tra c Controller's Certi cation. Air Traffic Controller's Certi cation acquisition rate: 70%
  • Practice hours (Practice Education Curriculum): 360 hours.
  • Tower Experience: 3 months.

Job Opportunity

After completing the whole course studies students of ATC Training Center (Air Transportation and Logistics students) will receive an Air Tra c Controller's Certi cation an apply into CASA ( Civil Aviation Safety Authority), controller and HIAC (Incheon International Airport Corporation) controller. Also, our students can apply and work at Major airlines, low cost carriers, the air transportation and logistics companies, research & development institutes of air transportation and so on.

* ATC (Air Traffic Control) Education Center

ATC Education Center
Theory Education Curriculum Education Time (Hours) Practice Education Curriculum Education Time (Hours)
Air tra c Service III /Aviation law & Regulation /Air Radio Communication/ Aviation Weather /Principle of Navigation/ Navigation Facilities & Systems/ Aviation Medicine & Human Factor and so on 898/ Course Aerodrome Control /Practice Simulated Radar/ Control Practice/ Air Tra c Service in /Summer & Winter/ Vacation (7 weeks) 360/hours
기획예산처 담당 041-660-1698
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